Now, I've never been a fan of Diane von Furstenberg's wrap dresses. Whichever fashionista said that wrap dresses are great for large-chested ladies clearly had had one too many mojitos. Wrap dresses divide the chest of larger ladies into two nice beanie bags, drawing attention to exactly the area you want to miminise. However, when I walked into the DvF outlet shop at Woodbury Commons, my perception of this designer completely changed. Fantastic patterns and colours filled the rails, and I loved her use of polyesters and man-made fabrics.

One trip to the changing rooms and I was sold, hook, line and sinker. The best part? With sales tax included, the grand total was just over $160 or somewhere in the region of €100. The dress makes me feel unique and sleek and that is worth far more than €100. The only problem now is to find the right pair(s) of shoes to match the dress.
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