Surprise, surprise, it was raining in Cork when I was visiting last weekend. I was actually smiling as we walked in the rain. There's nothing quite like being blown off your feet as you leave the shelter of Bridge Street and venture onto the openess of Patrick Bridge.
I was also smiling because I'd just had a great cup of coffee. Cork Coffee Roasters is a new (well to me anyway) coffee shop located near the corner of Bridge Street and McCurtain Street. It's a cosy room with eclectic seating scattered around. And it was packed on a very wet morning in Cork when there was barely a soul to be seen. That speaks volumes about the place. We ordered a latte and an americao, both of which were rich and dark. A great start to a bleak and mildy hungover morning.
All beans are roasted locally by John Gowan and it is possible to buy packs of their various blends to take home. How could I resist the chance to take some Cork coffee back to Dublin? It turned out that none of the packs on display were ground for an espresso machine, but the barista kindly ground a pack specially for me. At 5.50 euro a pack, it represents good value and it's great to support a local industry.
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