Stitch and Bear

A long-running Irish blog with reviews of the best restaurants in Dublin and throughout Ireland. Some wine and cocktails thrown in for good measure!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Swansong of Wilbur McCrum - Bronia Kita

The Swansong of Wilbur McCrum is set in the Wild West, but it is not a tale of cowboys and the Wild West. Yes, there is the occasional train robbery and cathouse, but is ultimately a story of one man's quest to make a better life for himself and his undying love for the mother of his child.

Wilbur McCrum has had an unlucky life. He has been cursed with fits which cause him to be bullied at school and he has a terrible fear of cattle, following several traumatic events with cows. Abandoned by his mother, he spends most of his life travelling, trying to hide his afflictions, sometimes working honestly and sometimes stooping to a life of crime.

Wilbur's life is just a sequence of unfortunate events, each captured in a short, snappy chapter. We realise early in the story that Wilbur's life is flashing before his eyes as he is drowning, but thankfully this is not the end of our lovelorn and lacklustre hero. Eventually his good nature, and desire to do the right thing turns Wilbur's life around and he eventually achieves some redemption.

This was a charming, quirky book which was very easy to read. It was refreshing to have an unfortunate hero and an intriguing supporting cast of characters. Very recommended reading.

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