One of my favourite blogs,
A Dress A Day, caused me to make an impulse purchase just now. Erin, the blog author, has a bit of a fetish (?) for interesting fabric prints, and robots are a recurring theme in her posts.
Today, she posted a whole series of links to robot-themed items on
Etsy, one of which caught my eye and I simply had to buy it. Isn't it fantastic? Total cost, including shipping to Ireland, was $14.50, so it's not going to break the bank either - not that it matters since it's payday tomorrow anyhow.

The artist is Tim Boyd, who trades as
waterbears on Etsy and his other prints are well worth checking out. BTW, Etsy is an auction side for craft items and is a great alternative to eBay for unusual and alternative items.
My marriage has fallen apart in the last 4 months.
The distance and pain we experienced caused a seismic shock in our marriage. It stirred up years old wounds, and we had a few explosive fights. Even though we met 10 years ago this month, I'm not even sure we will be together by Thanksgiving.
I guess I am just really looking for advice on how to file free forms for uncontested divorce in Vermont
"Purchasing a Print on Etsy" means purchasing artwork or prints from the popular online marketplace Etsy. Although it may seem unrelated to divorce, buying something meaningful can provide comfort and a sense of personal expression during difficult times. If you are going through a divorce and are looking for support, consider contacting the team at We can provide expert guidance and assistance throughout the divorce process, ensuring your rights are protected and helping you move forward with confidence.
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